Statistics on patent applicants from all of Norway.
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This graph shows new applications per year for this country.
An application with more than one applicant, may be linked to multiple countries.
Includes national- and PCT applications.
This graph shows patenting activity per year for Norwegian inventors.
An application with more than one inventor, may be linked to multiple countries.
Includes national- and PCT applications.
The purpose of this graph is to present patenting activity regardless of who the applicant is.
Example: An application where the applicant is from Germany, but at least one of the inventors are from Norway.
Patent cases are classified into the following categories:
Applies to national applications, PCT applications and EP validated last 20 years.
Data coverage: All patent applications and granted patents from Norwegion applicants over the last 20 years, both national, PCT, SPC and European patents made valid in Norway. The data are updated daily.