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Statistics on processing time for patent applications in Norway

Key figures for processing time

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2.4 years average processing time for Norwegian patent (with no priority) The average time from a Norwegian patent application with no priority is received until it is granted. Applies to granted cases over the last 12 months.
2.9 years average processing time for national patent The average time from the national patent application is received until it is granted. Applies to granted cases over the last 12 months (international PCT applications are not included).
7.1 years average processing time for PCT patent applications Average processing time from a PCT patent application is received until it is granted. Applies to granted cases last 12 months (PCT applications where Norway is designated after the international phase).

Average processing time latest years

The graph shows the average time from filing a patent application until it is granted as a patent. Based on all granted cases over the last years.

Processing time for EP validated cases is calculated based on filed date in the EPO until it is validated in Norway.

Processing time for PCT cases is calculated based on filed date in Norway.

Select year to see status for cases filed that year:

Applications still pending: 258

The graph shows status of cases filed the chosen year have sorted by year of status. For example you can read that for cases filed in 2012, 65 were granted the first year and 162 were granted the second year. National applications and PCT applications are included.