What can I find here?

Statistics on patent applications submitted to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office. The data covered are granted patents and patent applications , including applications that are not open for public inspection.

  • How many applications were submitted from my county last year?
  • Which companies applied for the most patents?
  • What percentage of the applications were granted?
  • What is the average processing time for applications?

Key figures for patents

Click a key figure to get more info
56,025 Patents in force The number of patents in force. Applies to national patents, PCT, SPC and EP patents.
-6.4% decrease in amount of applications last 12 months compared to the previous year. Amount of Norwegian applications (national and PCT) last 12 months compared to the previous year.
168 new applications this year New applications this year (national and PCT).
5,318 applications pending Number of applications that are pending (under consideration). Applies to national applications and PCT applications.


has the highest amount of patents in force Shows the county that has the most patents in force. (National, PCT, SPC and European patents)

Number of patent cases in total

This graph shows the total number of rights available in the database, both in force and expired. It presents accumulated figurers over the last 3 years.

Number of new applications so far this year

This graph shows a comparison of how many applications that have been received throughout the year (including cases that are not open for public inspection) over the last years. Includes national patent applications and PCT-applications designated in Norway.

Number of patents in force

This graph shows how many rights that are in force (granted/registered). Please note that also non-active patents represent potential hinders for new applications.

EP patents validated in Norway

This graph shows the amount of EP patents that have been validated in Norway each year.

Supplementary page information

Data coverage: All patent applications and granted patents over the last 20 years, both national, PCT, SPC and European patents made valid in Norway. The data are updated daily.