What can I find here?

Statistics on trademark applications submitted to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office from all over the world.

  • Which part of the world do most applications come from?
  • Which companies are the most active applicants?
  • What year did we receive the most applications?

Key figures for all applications

Click a key figure to get more info
-14.0% decrease Increase/decrease in number of trademark applications last 12 months compared with same period last year. Increase/decrease in number of trademark applications last 12 months compared with same period last year. Applies to national applications and international applications designating Norway.
8,756 applications pending Number of trademark applications under examinatiion. Applies to national applications and international applications designating Norway.
252,350 trademarks in force Total number of trademarks in force.
90.1% of all applications are granted Shows the percentage of all trademark applications that are granted (applies to national and international cases over the last 10 years).
9 is the Nice class with most applications
The Nice class with the highest number of cases last 10 years.

Number of trademark applications per year

The graph shows number of trademark applications received every year. This year shows applications to date. *

Trademark applications filed by Norwegian and foreign applicants

The graph shows international trademark registrations (submitted in Norway through the international application system, the Madrid Protocol), national trademark applications filed by residents of other countries (legend "foreign") and national trademark applications filed by Norwegian residents.*

Number of trademark applications from selected regions

Number of trademark applications from selected regions, last 10 years. One case with multiple applicants can be counted in more that one region.

Trademark applications per month

Shows all trademark applications received last 5 years grouped by the month they were filed.

Number of registered trademarks

This graph shows the number of trademark applications granted each year. For the current year it shows the number granted so far.

Trademark applications per Nice class


The graph to the left The graph above shows how many applications that have been received for each Nice class the selected year. To see more information about one specific Nice-class or details for several years, click on the class number / column you are interested in.

Number of applications received from classAntall mottatte søknader for klasse (rar tekst - hvor brukes denne????)

This graph show the number of trademark applications for one Nice class.

What is the content in the class?

Class description

Most active trademark applicants last 10 years

  1. NOVARTIS AG: 1945 applications

    Company filed 123 applications last year.

    Country of origin: Switzerland

  2. L'OREAL: 938 applications

    Company filed 79 applications last year.

    Country of origin: France

  3. APPLE INC.: 743 applications

    Company filed 75 applications last year.

    Country of origin: United States

  4. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.: 546 applications

    Company filed 20 applications last year.

    Country of origin: China

  5. DAIMLER AG: 433 applications

    Company filed 0 applications last year.

    Country of origin: Germany

  1. JOHNSON & JOHNSON: 403 applications

    Company filed 7 applications last year.

    Country of origin: United States

  2. LIDL STIFTUNG & CO. KG: 345 applications

    Company filed 0 applications last year.

    Country of origin: Germany

  3. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A.: 317 applications

    Company filed 16 applications last year.

    Country of origin: Switzerland


    Company filed 56 applications last year.

    Country of origin: Germany

  5. PFIZER INC.: 301 applications

    Company filed 22 applications last year.

    Country of origin: United States

Supplementary page information

Data coverage: All trademark applications and granted trademarks over the last 10 years, both national applications and international applications where Norway has been designated. Responsibility marks are not part of the data coverage. The data are updated daily.
*For international applications only cases where complete information is received from WIPO is counted. The figures for the lasts months may therefor change.