Statistics on patent applications submitted to Norway from all of the world.
Patent cases are classified into the following categories:
All patent applications received by the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) are classified according to the classification system International Patent Classification (IPC). If a case is classified in several IPC classes, the class mentioned first is used as the basis for statistics. The first IPC class is considered as the most representative for the invention.
Based on national applications, PCT applications and EP validated last 20 years.
Civil Engineering - Thermodynamics is the innovator's top industry
Civil Engineering - Thermodynamics is the innovator's top industry
Civil Engineering - Thermodynamics is the innovator's top industry
Civil Engineering - Thermodynamics is the innovator's top industry
Pure & Applied Organical Chemistry is the innovator's top industry
Civil Engineering - Thermodynamics is the innovator's top industry
Civil Engineering - Thermodynamics is the innovator's top industry
Electricity & Electric Machines is the innovator's top industry
Civil Engineering - Thermodynamics is the innovator's top industry
Civil Engineering - Thermodynamics is the innovator's top industry
Data coverage: All patent applications and granted patents over the last 20 years, both national, PCT, SPC and European patents made valid in Norway. The data are updated daily.