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Statistics on processing time for trademark applications

    Key figures for processing time

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    4.6 mnd average time for first letter of examination Time lapsed from the applications is filed to first letter of examination. National and international trademarks from last 10 years.
    6.8 mnd average processing time last 12 months Average time for registration last 12 months. Several letters could have been sent from NIPO to the applicant before registration.
    4 mnd Target for first letter of examination international applications Target for first letter of examination for first letter of examination for international applications.

    Processing time to first letter or registration

    The graph illustrates processing time from filing date to receipt of the first letter of examination OR registration letter (including designation of international applications in Norway).

    Letter of examination will include formalities,  first letter of examination and suspencion awaiting other decisions. 

    Target illustrates NIPO's target for case processing time.

    Responsibility marks are not included.

    Average processing time for first letter of examination last 12 months

    The graph shows the average time from filing the application for trademark until the customer receives the first letter of examination.

    In order to better reflect expected processing time, the graph presents national applications and international registrations separately.

    Target presents NIPO's target for processing time.

    Does not include responsibility marks.

    Average processing time last 12 months (all registrations)

    Registration shows the average time it takes from the application for trademark is received until the case is registered. The graph is based on all national applications and international registrations.

    Does not include responsibility marks.

    Processing time to registration last 12 months (by case type)

    The graph shows the average time from the filing date to registration (presenting the two types of cases separately).

    Based on national and international cases.

    Several letters could have been sent from NIPO to the applicant before registration.

    Responsibility marks are not included.