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Statistics on patents, trademarks and design applications submitted to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office.

  • How many applications were submitted from my county last year?
  • How many applications have a Norwegian applicant?
  • Which industry submits the most patent applications?
  • What is the average processing time for an application?

The data are updated daily. In the top menu you will find more statistics regarding patents, trademarks and designs.

Key figures for patents

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5,318 applications pending Number of applications that are pending (under consideration). Applies to national applications and PCT applications.
46.0% of the applications are granted Shows the percentage of all applications that are granted (applies to national cases and PCT cases over the last 20 years).
E21B is the IPC class with most cases Class E contains: Fixed Constructions E21B is the most common (first) IPC* class in all applications. Based on  data from the last 20 years (national, EP, SPC, PCT). * International Patent Classification
2.8 years average processing time for national patent The average time from the national patent application is received until it is granted. Applies to granted cases over the last 12 months (international PCT applications are not included).

Key figures for trademarks

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8253 applications pending Number of trademark applications under examinatiion. Applies to national applications and international applications designating Norway.
89.7% of all applications are granted Shows the percentage of all trademark applications that are granted (applies to national and international cases over the last 10 years).
9 is the Nice class with most applications
The Nice class with the highest number of cases last 10 years.
6.8 months average processing time last 12 months Average time for registration last 12 months. Several letters could have been sent from NIPO to the applicant before registration.

Key figures for design

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126 applications pending Number of design applications that are pending (under consideration). Applies to national applications and international applications designating Norway.
97.1% of all applications are granted Shows the percentage of all applications that are granted (applies to national and international cases over the last 10 years).
12 is the Locarno class with most cases Locarno-class with most Norwegian applications. Class description: Means of transport or hoisting
5.3 months average processing time all case types, last 12 months Average processing time from the filing date to registration last 12 months. Applies to national and international cases.

Applications per month

Applications per month grouped by patents, trademarks and designs. Be aware that supplementary protection certificates (SPC) and European patents validated in Norway is not included in this statistics.