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Patent statistics from all the counties of Norway

  • How many applications were submitted from my county last year?
  • How many patents were granted in my county last year?
  • How many patents are in force in my county?



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Key figures for Nordland

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1.9% of the applications in Norway are from this county The number is calculated from total applications from Norway and applications from this county. Based on applications from the last 20 years.
75.0% increase in amount of applications during the last 12 months, compared to the previous year. Amount of applications (national and PCT) from this county during the last 12 months, compared to the previous year.
44 patent applications pending Number of patent applications from the county pending (under consideration). Applies for national applications and PCT.
82 patents are in force The number of patents in force from this county. Applies to national patents, PCT, SPC and EP patents.
33.8% of patent applications have been granted Shows the percentage of all applications from the county that have been granted (applies to national applications and PCT appliacations over the last 20 years).
A01K is the most common IPC class for applications from this county Class A contains: Human necessities A01K is the most common (first) IPC* class in  applications from this county. Based on data from the last 20 years (national, EP, SPC, PCT). * International Patent Classification

Number of applications (applicants) from this county

This graph shows new applications per year for this county. 

An application with more than one applicant, may be linked to multiple counties or countries.
The blue bar shows the number of applications with one or several applicants from this county.

Includes national- and PCT applications. 

Number of inventors from this county

This graph shows patenting activity per year for this county.

An application with more than one inventor, may be linked to multiple counties or countries.

Includes national- and PCT applications.

Applications from the county grouped by IPC class

Patent cases are classified into the following categories:

  1. Human Necessities
  2. Performing Operations, Transporting
  3. Chemistry, Metallurgy
  4. Textiles, Paper
  5. Fixed Constructions
  6. Mechanical Engineering, Lighting, Heating, Weapons
  7. Physics
  8. Electricity
  9. New technological development; cross-sectional technologies
All patent applications received by the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) are classified according to the classification system International Patent Classification (IPC). If a case is classified in several IPC classes, the class mentioned first is used as the basis for statistics. The first IPC class is considered as the most representative for the invention.

Applies to publically available national applications, PCT applications and EP validated last 20 years.

Number of granted patents from the county each year

This graph shows how many patents from the county that have been granted over the last 5 years. Applies for national, PCT applications and EP validated patents.

Number of patents in force today, grouped by year of filing.

This graph shows the number of patents in force today, according to application year. (National, PCT, SPC and EP patents)

Supplementary page information

Data coverage: All patent applications and granted patents from Norwegion applicants over the last 20 years, both national, PCT, SPC and European patents made valid in Norway. The data are updated daily.